Austin Magruder
Winter Street Studios
Austin received a kidney transplant from an anonymous donor on April 26th, 2019. Almost 4 years before that, Austin found his way to creating art after spending a lot of time filling in coloring books during hemodialysis treatments. In August 2015, he began dialysis after the kidney that his mother donated in 2001 rejected. During Christmas 2015, the dialysis clinic that he was attending handed out coloring books out as a small gift to everyone, and they ran out by the time they got to him. So he decided to get his own coloring books and was hooked. It was a great way to pass the time, and he eventually found black background mandala coloring books to be his favorite. About half a year later, he decided to start making his own geometric designs, and learned some new techniques. All of Austin’s original artwork is hand drafted, with a compass, ruler, protractor and drawn in pen. He then paints the it with India ink. Austin has been enrolled at MFAH Glassell School of Art since 2018, and plans to continue his education in the Arts to help develop his technique.