Julius Danziger
Winter Street Studios
The beauty of color ,form and design has always given me a feeling of comfort and happiness. My professional career of being a Physician allowed me to see the trials and tribulations that people endure and I always enjoyed the ability to help them return to a state of well being after an illness .With my added medical skills of diagnostic radiology I was always able to appreciate the beauty of the human form and the problems that could and did develop within it . As I grew older , I realized that in addition to my medical skills I had the ability to represent the human form in a more artistic rather than anatomical form with the main emphasis on not showing any disease or maladies that do occur . With time ,my drawing and design skills improved. My representation of the human figure has become more artistic whimsical and colorful . This has given me a great feeling of well being and it is my hope that my paintings will allow people to see the beauty of the human form ,not in an anatomical representational mode but in a colorful whimsical and happy disposition.
Collage / Mixed Media