Serrano Gallery
Silver Street Studios
At Serrano Gallery, our mission is to promote art that nurtures the human soul. We specialize in bringing together international artists and collectors with an interest in contemporary art. Our primary focus is on promoting the work of Houston International and Latin American visual artists. Valentina Atkinson director. Her passion and dedication shine through in each handpicked artist she represents. The gallery regularly hosts public exhibitions and arts events in its state-of-the-art facility throughout the year, and welcomes visitors by appointment. Artists |�Mary Aldrich�|�Valentina Atkinson�|�John Bernhard�|�Alfonso Bonilla�|�Kyong Burke�|�Sa�l Castro�|�Luisa Duarte�|�Jos� Pablo Fern�ndez�|��Anne Jo�lle Galley�|�Justin Garc�a�|�Isabel Gomez Gallardo�|�Erik Hagen�|�Maria Hughes�|�Ana Kane�|�Thuy Nguyen�|�Carlos Ocando�|�Gordon Philipson�|�Kelyne Reis�|�Rolando Rojas�|�Mariana Sammartino�|�Graciela Socorro�|�Leslie Zeidenweber�|�Cristina Zorrilla Speer�| Erick Calder�n�|�Dennis Fehr�|�Jane Honovich�|�Victor Mohedano�|�Victoria Torgersen�|�Anita Varadaraju�|�Sally Worthington�|
Collage / Mixed Media