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Valentina Kisseleva
Valentina Kisseleva

Silver Street Studios



Artist�s Statement The reality of life is that your perceptions � right or wrong � influence everything else you do. The world is nothing but our perception of it. I see only through myself. I hear only through the filter of my story. I believe that art is a reflection of who we are as a person and artist. It is a culmination of ones experiences and exposure to life. Bio Valentina Kisseleva was born near Moscow (Russia). She entered the Institute of Fine Art in Ivanovo, the faculty of painting (1967- 1971). Her artistic style was formed due to the studying of the art graphics design in Belarus Art Academy in Minsk (1972 - 1977), the academic style of painting in the Academy of Arts and the coloring and forms of icons. The compilation of the different artistic schools and Valentina�s comprehension of art have formed the recognizable author�s style. She experiments with the line, color and different styles of the past. Artist�s paintings are featured in many private collections in Russia and abroad. Her name was included in catalogue �Graphic Designer Union of Belarus�.



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